Joe Manchin (W.Va.) is considering re-registering as a Democrat to compete for the Democratic presidential nomination. Today we will discuss about Joe Manchin history: wikipedia,Education,Daughter,On the issues.
Joe Manchin history: wikipedia,Education,Daughter,On the issues
West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is calling on Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race, as the fight over whether the president should stay on extends beyond the rank-and-file of the Democratic Party.
Mr. Manchin is a former Democrat who became an independent in May after consistently siding with Republicans on issues and occasionally supporting former President Donald Trump, a Republican.
When the non-partisan group No Labels was considering nominating a presidential candidate earlier this year, it turned to Mr. Manchin, who is seen across the country as a staunch centrist.
On Sunday, he said it was now time for Mr Biden to “pass the torch”.
“Unlike many, he will leave a legacy as a fine and truly patriotic American. So with that, I come away with a heavy heart in thinking that now is the time to pass that torch to a new generation,” Mr. Manchin told ABC News.
Mr. Manchin also advocated an “open process” in the coming weeks to find a replacement.
“I think we have a lot of talent on the bench,” he said.
While dozens of House Democrats have called on Mr. Biden to step down over concerns that his campaign is losing would hurt his chances in November, only a handful of senators have done so.
Of the four who have pressured him to leave the race, at least two — Ohio’s Sherrod Brown and Montana’s Jon Tester — are veteran Democrats facing tough re-election battles.
Mr. Manchin, however, does not face those stakes.
Nor does Colorado Governor Jared Polis, a moderate Democrat whose term does not expire until 2027, and who currently heads the bipartisan National Governors Association.
The governor did not directly call on Mr. Biden to step down, but told CNN that the polling numbers show “we need to change something about what we’re doing.”
“The burden is on him to really show ‘Hey, I’m going to plan for the next four years.
“I want him to be president in the last five months of his term, what he can do is unify our country, tone down the rhetoric and be able to focus on peace in the world,” Manchin said. Said.
“The campaign, I have been to statewide campaigns many times, it is an incredible challenge for anyone, physically, mentally, in every way, shape and form. And right now, the country and the world need our President Joe Biden, but with his ever-present compassion and his ability to bring people together to harness all of their strengths and energy.
Manchin also appeared on ABC’s “This Week,” telling Martha Raddatz that he is concerned about Biden’s ability to run a full presidential re-election campaign despite his confidence in his leadership abilities.
Joe Manchin history: wikipedia,Education,Daughter,On the issues
“I think he has that ability,” Manchin told ABC. “You know, the sum total of a campaign… is unbelievable. I can tell you about the statewide campaign – it’s been relentless. I can only imagine the national campaign.”
The former Democrat, who left the party in May, also advocated an “open process” in the coming weeks to select a replacement.
“I think we have a lot of talent on the bench, a lot of good guys,” Manchin told CNN. He said that his top choice also includes the Governor. Andy Beshear (D-Ky.) and Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.)
“I have two tremendous governors right next to me, Andy Beshear in Kentucky and Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, who are working with legislators either evenly divided or the exact opposite of their party affiliation,” he said. He said, “He has not divided his state. He has not asked you to choose one side and disparage the other. They brought people together. “That’s what an open process will do.”
The senator said an open process and the selection of a young candidate could encourage voters who have become skeptical of established Democrats to return to the party.
Manchin graduated from Farmington High School in 1965. He entered West Virginia University on a football scholarship in 1965, but an injury during practice ended his football career. Manchin graduated with a degree in business administration in 1970 and went to work for his family’s business.
Joe Manchin is keeping the country guessing about his future plans, and one man has emerged as the West Virginia Democrat’s closest confidant as he charts a political course that could shake up Washington: His daughter, Heather Manchin.
Since stepping down as CEO of pharmaceutical company Mylan, where she became the first woman to run a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, she has served as a top adviser to her father in political dealings, according to three people close to the family. Have been doing. ,
It comes as Manchin, 76, openly floats a third-party run for president No Labels, has been welcomed by the centrist group as it comes amid voters jittering over the prospect of a Biden-Trump rematch. Want to offer an alternative. Manchin has also left the door open to a Senate re-election bid in heavily Republican West Virginia in 2024, when the state will be one of the GOP’s top targets as the party tries to flip the House.
And now, Heather Manchin, 56, is also launching her own centrist nonprofit group, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, that will engage donors on a $100 million project that will support centrist candidates and Will promote policies.
She insists that this endeavor is completely separate from her father’s.
“I love my father and support him in whatever he decides to do,” Heather Manchin told NBC News in a statement. “But this effort is completely independent of him because it’s bigger than him or any one person.”
According to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, she is closely involved in senatorial decision-making and has maintained frequent contact not only with Manchin, but also with his Senate staff.
And the new nonprofit group is focused on Manchin’s political run in the Senate and his ideas around 2024. He has repeatedly criticized Democrats and Republicans for “highly unusual” partisanship, and this month.
On the issues
Top Democrats in the House went on Washington talk shows on Sunday to make clear they support Biden remaining in the race.
Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, a longtime leader of the House and among the Black lawmakers, told CNN the Democratic Party should “unify” around Mr Biden.
He said he would support Mr Biden leaving office only if the president elected himself, adding that Democrats needed to “respect” the nomination process.
Meanwhile, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said Democrats could face legal action if they choose to change their nominee.
Joe Manchin history: wikipedia,Education,Daughter,On the issues
“It will be very interesting to see if the so-called party of democracy, the Democrats, goes into a back room somewhere and removes it and puts someone else at the top of the ticket,” he said. “They’ve got legal hurdles in some of these states, and this will be prosecuted.”
It’s possible that Mr. Biden could drop out of the race and leave all of his delegates to vote for the candidate of his choice, leading to an open convention.
The Democratic National Convention begins on August 19, but the party is expected to hold a virtual meeting before then to nominate Biden as its official candidate.
The DNC Rules Committee met last week to discuss procedures for the virtual roll-call vote, during which committee co-chair Leah Daughtry said that “any challenger would have to receive the verified support of hundreds of delegates”.
The committee is also meeting on Sunday to discuss roll-call voting rules, a new process for the party that could be scrapped in the wake of party infighting over his nomination.