When Anze Postecoglou was appointed as the new Spurs coach, it marked the beginning of a new chapter at Tottenham and the end of an old one. Today we will discuss about Ange Postecoglou gets angry at a fan: Press Conference,Salary.
Ange Postecoglou gets angry at a fan: Press Conference,Salary
When Ange Postecoglou was appointed as the new Spurs coach, it marked the beginning of a new chapter at Tottenham and the end of an old chapter, which ended with an explosive farewell press conference.
In it Antonio Conte described his players as “selfish” and declared that the club “can change the manager but the situation cannot change”.
Tottenham did just that, although it took some time, eventually appointing Postecoglou as their new head coach after a 72-day search for Conte’s replacement.
Things could have been different, and they still could be.
Ange Postecoglou gets angry at a fan: Press Conference,Salary
But in the wake of Tottenham’s defeat to Manchester City on Wednesday, there are concerns in the UK press that Postecoglou’s animated post-game press conference was, as Tom Allnutt of The Times put it, “echoing Conte’s”.
In case you missed it, Postecoglou was given the chance to praise his team after the 2-0 defeat to City, where they did the job to hand the potential champions a win.
But, when asked whether Wednesday’s result could help lay the foundations for next season, Postecoglou’s press conference took an unexpected turn.
“I think the last 48 hours have shown that the foundations are very fragile,” he said.
where exactly?
“Outside the club, inside the club, everywhere.”
Tensions apparently reached boiling point during the game when Postecoglou was captured on camera shouting at a fan, who told a witness that The Athletic had asked Postecoglou “if he had finished the season rather than being against City”. Why didn’t I show the same animation earlier also”.
This, of course, took place against the backdrop of Postecoglou expressing his frustration with some Spurs fans earlier in the week, who wanted Tottenham to lose so that arch-rivals Arsenal could not win the title.
He said, “I understand rivalries, but I don’t understand and never will if someone wants their own team to lose.”
“That’s not what the game is about. That’s not what I love about the game.”
It wasn’t just fans.
The report said, “While the majority of the club’s staff were concentrating on their work as normal, the prospect of losing to City had been the subject of jokes among a minority of staff over the past week.”
It was also claimed that a member of the support staff “joked” to Postecoglou that he should play with a youth team against City, leaving the Australian “furious”.
According to the report, it is a claim which Tottenham deny.
That is to say, no matter what happened on the field or how many chances Tottenham created, the simple reality was that they didn’t win and Postecoglou was not happy about that. However, some people were – and they rubbed him the wrong way.
Now the question is what will happen next.
Well, even though there were similarities to Conte’s anger according to some UK journalists, don’t expect Postecoglou to chase him out the door any time soon.
“There were echoes of Antonio Conte’s statements in March last year, even though Conte’s criticism of the players was framed as an end while Postecoglou sees it as a beginning,”
Ange Postecoglou gets angry at a fan: Press Conference,Salary
Allnutt of The Times wrote.
“Nobody expects Postecoglou to be fired after nine days like Conte – the board is prepared to back him again this summer, having agreed a transfer plan months ago – but these laments risk A line is being pushed if it has not yet been crossed.
“By refusing to elaborate or specify his intentions, Postecoglou caused everyone from supporters to players and the board harm through speculation. “He opened a wound that will last at least until his next press conference on Friday and, if he wants, even into the summer.”
Press Conference
Ange Postecoglou’s initial meetings with the English media were greeted with jubilation. This was a man of effortless charm and decency, not at all like the ruthless non-winning serial winners who preceded him.
The frequency with which he referred to journalists as “friends” pleased him. It felt as if a beautiful friendship had begun. Less enthusiasm after Spurs’ defeat to Manchester City on Tuesday night.
Little changed in Postecoglou’s demeanor or presentation. There is something low-key, measured and slightly troubled about the Tottenham manager in both his best and worst moments. Three weeks earlier, before his team’s game against Arsenal, Postecoglou was asked about Spurs fans not wanting Arsenal to win the league. “That’s fair enough,” he said. “I’m not going to decide how the fans feel, how they feel is what’s important.”
This week, on the same subject, and in a confessional after the defeat to City, Postecoglou said: “I’m not interested, mate. I may not be on the right track, but I don’t care, I just want to win. I want to succeed at this football club.
Consider the adjectives most commonly used by soccer players to praise support. Fans are “incredulous”, as footballers cannot truly understand the deep bond between them and their club. How could they do this, when their formative years at a club were spent training or playing matches against other Division One academies? One group may not fully understand the other, so instilling an athlete’s win-at-all-costs mentality into fans is a difficult task.
There are further signs that relations between Postecoglou, Spurs and their followers are beginning to deteriorate. He was unusually critical of his team in relation to Cristian Romero after the 3–2 home defeat to Arsenal: “He’s a World Cup winner and I just have to bring some of that into the others.”
He remained steady after the 2–0 defeat at Chelsea, but clearly struggled to find any positives after falling 4–0 at Anfield, a game which ended more respectably 4–2. “At least we tried to play and look like a version of ourselves which gives me something to work towards.”
Until Spurs’ losing streak was broken with a home win against Burnley, Postecoglou stuck mainly to the bigger picture, his laudable goal of lifting the club as a whole.
The victory gave him a chance to accept that the defeat had affected him. “As much as you want to put it aside, losing four games will affect the players and there will always be a bit of stress and anxiety”
But he was seething after City, which seemed fair given his team’s performance. “I think what I’ve learned over the last 48 hours is that the foundations are very fragile,” he said. “I’ve just got to go back to the drawing board with some things.”
Ange Postecoglou gets angry at a fan: Press Conference,Salary
This does not sound like the same manager who so cleverly dodged the first question about Harry Kane at his introductory press conference in July, and revealed that he and his coaching staff had run a betting pool That when will it come in the press conference. This was the third question for the record, and apparently Mile Jedinak won.
Now, with the possibility of a Champions League spot gone, we are witnessing the darkness of Postecoglou, which is shared with every manager who has reached the top of football. Losing hurts, even to teams that expect you to, even if your fans don’t care that much. Maybe especially if your fans don’t care that much.
A long campaign, injuries, the stress of Kane’s post-rebuild and the pure irritation of losing tight games can be blamed for Ainge’s decline this season. There is no suggestion that he was anything more than angry after the City defeat, it appears that he is not doubting his club’s survival. When the dust settles this will still go down as a good first season. But for him and the Spurs.
The Telegraph reported that a deal had been struck with Tottenham to pay the Scottish giants just under £5 million (A$9.4m) in compensation. Another extraordinary manager is coming,” Guardiola said.